Accepted Insurance Plans

Accept­ed Insur­ance Plans

*Please be sure to ver­i­fy insur­ance cov­er­age pri­or to sched­ul­ing. Your insur­ance card will have a con­tact phone num­ber and will be able to deter­mine your indi­vid­ual coverage.


  • AARP Medicare Complete 
  • Aet­na
  • Ambet­ter
  • Anthem
  • Anthem Medicare Advantage 
  • Anthem HIP (Healthy Indi­ana Plan) 
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield 
  • Care Source IN Marketplace 
  • CHA (Com­mu­ni­ty Health Alliance) 
  • Cigna Health­care
  • Coven­try Healthcare 
  • Encore Health Network 
  • First Health Network 
  • Goshen Pre­ferred Network 
  • Humana
  • Humana Medicare Plans 
  • Imag­ine Health
  • Inte­gra­tive Care Partners
  • Lucent Health
  • Luther­an Preferred 
  • Med­ic­aid — Anthem
  • Med­ic­aid — Indiana 
  • MHS HIP (Healthy Indi­ana Plan) 
  • Medicare Part B 
  • Parkview Sig­na­ture Care 
  • Part­ners Direct Health
  • PHP/​Physicians Health Plan 
  • PHCS
  • Rail­road Medicare 
  • Sag­amore Health Network 
  • Select Health Network 
  • Uni­care
  • Unit­ed Healthcare 
  • Unit­ed Health­care Medicare Solutions 

**Patients should not con­sid­er this list a bind­ing agree­ment or guar­an­tee of coverage.

Insur­ance Exchange Information

While changes in health­care are inevitable, you can count on The South Bend Clin­ic to remain con­stant in our com­mit­ment to pro­vide you and your fam­i­ly the high lev­el of care you have come to expect.

If you have already vis­it­ed (or plan to) the Health Insur­ance Mar­ket­place web­site (www​.health​care​.gov), you know there are many plans and options avail­able to ensure health­care cov­er­age for everyone.

You will want to review your choic­es care­ful­ly and pick what is right for you. In doing so please know we may or may not be a net­work par­tic­i­pant in all of your options. So, to help in your selec­tion, please know The South Bend Clin­ic is enrolled and par­tic­i­pat­ing in the fol­low­ing insur­ance com­pa­ny’s prod­ucts being offered on the exchanges:

If you would like more infor­ma­tion about plans avail­able through the exchange, please vis­it their indi­vid­ual web­sites for fur­ther details.

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